Hay chicas que no creen que Nick Jonas aún esté enamorado de Miley Cyrus, él solo intenta olvidarla pero con todas las noticias de nuevos novios y visebersa le cuesta. Acá hay una prueva, Selena Gomez escribio una cancion hace poco, llamada ``I'm sorry´´ y en ella habla de un chico que a ella le gusta pero él todabia esta enamorado de su ex. ``I'm sorry for you´´. Esta cancion es su favorita por que dice realmente lo que siente. Tal vez es cierto él quiere a Sel, pero no como a Miley quiso y, quiere?
Selena Gomez, who’s featured in the latest issue of Teen Vogue, recently spilled about a new song she just wrote called “I’m Sorry.”
The new track’s is about liking a guy who can’t get over his ex, rumored to be about Nick Jonas getting over ex Miley Cyrus.
“My favorite song that I’ve written is called ‘I’m Sorry’”, Selena tells Twist. “It’s about a boy I kind of fell for, but he couldn’t let his ex-girlfriend go, and it was really difficult. And I felt like in a way, I wasn’t good enough. So the song is basically me saying that I’m sorry that it didn’t work out or that she used to be who she was, but you have to let me in and you have to know that I’ll do everything I can to make you happy and be the best I can be. So that’s probably going to be the first one that I want to work on for my record. It will probably be the only ballad on the record, because I want the other stuff to be really fun. But that is probably going to be the most heartfelt one because it was the hardest time for me. That story actually happened to me.”
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